Friday, March 28, 2008


Expectations and preferences

Everyone have them. We've had some of it since we were kids and others we develop through the years. Some are flexible but some are non-compromising. Some are work-related, some applies to personal life and others apply to both professional and the personal aspects of our life.

Some of mine includes the following:
  • Effective communication - expectation.
  • Effective feedback - expectation.
  • Punctuality - expectation.
  • Sitting in the corner as opposed to the center table of a restaurant - preference.
  • Wearing black - preference.
  • Having a haircut once every two weeks - non-compromising preference.
  • Arriving early to watch a movie - expectation and non-compromising preference.
  • Sitting on the center seat, 6th row from the screen at the movies - almost non-compromising preference.
  • Not eating vegetables - non-compromising preference.haha!
  • Play badminton twice a week - really, really strong preference.

I guess the trick is to balance our own expectations and preferences with those of our friends, co-workers and family. Easier said than done, since many of them are ever so conflicting. One possibly effective way, i found, is to remove myself from the scenario of conflict. For example, if you'd rather watch Lang Buana (no judgement!) but i prefer The Lord of the Rings - Return of the King (giteww), we'll just go our separate ways; you go into Hall 1 while i'll enter Hall 6. No hard feelings.

And what if it's a non-compromising preference and it's not about conflicting movie taste? Then i guess all there is to do is this: woooooooosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.................................................(insert hand gesture). and all will be fine again. Or will it?


idee said...

I would see myself very organized & specify person when comes to preferences....

Wanting the best in life somehow is not healthy and normal...Reaching 30++ gives me an idea of compromising in so many stuff,to be more let loose and lay back,and u will more happier..

Sigh...I was talking like a 60 yr old folk...

huggyteddy said...

Hehehehe...No you weren't. It makes a lot of sense, to take a laid-back approach sometimes. Which i need to do more often.