Friday, September 12, 2008

Fasting - Then & Now

From when I was a kid, I have never really liked the sun. and the heat. and I still can't deal with our hot weather. I probably never will.

During Ramadhan, i feel as though the hot weather gets magnified by a hundred times! Hence, fasting has been quite dramatic for me. It's all okay now, but it was really quite a challenge in the earlier part of my life, dating back to my primary school days. I'd come up with all sorts of ritual and tasks and drove my mom mad. hehehehe.....but hey...i was still a kid then....well...kinda, anyway.

Here are some of my past quirks:

1. Be a doormat.

The idea is to lay flat (with just my shorts) on the cement floor, with maximum direct contact between flesh and floor. That way, i'd feel a lot cooler. I'd have to reposition my body cos the effects kinda wane after a while. Since my house had carpets in most places, i'd be forced to lay myself down on corners and some other odd places near the wall. Weird sight indeed.

2. Be a fridge magnet.

For this one, the objective is to open both fridge doors and then stand really, really close (again, with just wearing my shorts) to the fridge. Of course my face would get cooler much faster since it's halfway inside the freezer compartment. The effect - one giant popsicle. At least until my mom shouts my name. Then it's back to room temperature. Sigh.

3. Make an ice bed.

This one takes the cake for I was able to deceptively maneuvered under my mom's radar for the longest time. I'd take some ice or half a bottle of cold water from the fridge, mix it with some water from the kolam in the bathroom, then bring it to my mom's room (cos she had the big bed) and dab it onto a towel, which is laid down on the bed. Once the towel is wet and cool enough, i'd lie down on it, completely, from head to toe. Aaaaaaaaahhhh....the cooling sensation was just amazing! After a while, my mom started noticing me carrying the pail in and out of the room......and i got busted. So i improvised.hehehe..... i started bringing my towel into the bathroom, perform the soaking task to perfection and then bring the towel back into the room. Voila! Icy cold matress makes a comeback! The only flaw to this method is the fact that my mom's matress would end up wet. And she wasn't too hot for it. Hehehehe..

Silly huh? Like I said, I was a kid.

Am just glad that as I grew older, i was able to shake off these damaging-yet-oh-so-fun! habits of mine. So no, i no longer wet my mom's bed. Or my bed. Or anyone else's bed for that matter.

I'm an adult now. I think.


raden putra said...

u and being wet have started a loooooong way...

huggyteddy said...

Hahahaha.......but never a golden one...that one belongs to the one with the buffy throw.heheheh

Echos Of The Mind said...

fridge magnet!! tot about it too, when i was a kid.. haha