Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Suit me up!

I like to dress casual as often as I can. As a matter of fact, I could go through life with just t-shirts and shorts. One thing I really love about my job is that I get to go to work in t-shirts and pants. Not the English pants, the American ones, in case you’re wondering J

Tonight, however, was an exception, or should I say an obligation.

I just came back from attending an award gala dinner, which happens to be my first black tie event. I didn’t bring my suit (my first suit!) to the office, so I went home at about 4pm to get ready as I needed to get back to the office by 6:30pm. Had a shower, and then started to dress up. As expected, the white shirt’s too big for me; I looked like a floating device, ready to save someone.haha! I figured no one would notice as long as I have the suit on me at all times.I gotta admit that I did feel kinda excited suiting up for the first time, though I realized hoping to look as good as Daniel Craig in Casino Royale only results in low self esteem! I should have known better huh.

So there I was, at the cocktail reception, surrounded by men and women dressed to kill. And that’s when it started to happen, as always. I just can’t stop fidgeting. The thing is, I am never that comfortable in a formal setting like the one I was in. Inferiority complex, that’s what they call it right? Yeah, I think I have it. Didn’t know what to do with my hands, don’t know where to look, where to stand, what to talk about, worried that someone might look at me and notice that my sleeves are a little too long, etc….. perhaps it’s just because it’s my first…..that means, I’ll only get better if I go to more of these formal events. Yeah, right! Not looking forward to it!

So it was finally time to enter the ballroom and get seated, so I did. After a brief welcome, dinner was served and guess what? First course, SALAD! What the….!!!!???? Why can’t it be a chicken liver pate or smoked salmon or something???? Instead, it had to be Wild mushroom and asparagus tips and young lettuce leaves. Wutever!! Thank god for the balsamic and basil dressing. It made them easier to digest. Yes, I DID have them, much to the amusement of my colleagues – they all know I hate vegetables. Just didn’t feel like refusing them, thought it would be a little impolite to do so. But that was just tonight. Next time, I’ll just skip the salad and wait for the soup. Unless it’s cauliflower soup,hehehe, then I’ll just go straight to the main course, which is very unlikely to be a vegetable platter.

Dinner came to a delicious end – chocolate covered hazelnut (Karen would love this!) parfait with wild berries coulis. Yummmm!!

Am still glad I went. Guess it’s always god to experience new things, and I don’t mean the vegetables. At least now if I get invited to another formal affair, I’ve got a suit!!!! J
Didn’t snap a photo though. Well, had a couple of shots taken with the office girls who thought I cleaned up nice. What they didn’t know was how much I was sweating underneath all the layers of clothes.

So until the next game of high stake poker at casino royale, the suit will now join the rest of my shirts, hung, and left alone.


C L O S E T E D : GUY said...

Well you know what they say... you'll have to start somewhere... :-P

And hey, knowing how much you loooovvvveeeee vegetables, I called them up to make sure you have the full set! hahahahah

We'll just have to wait and see other future events...who knows you'll might end up attending a wedding to a vegetarian couple...heheheheh

raden putra said...

Carrie: I realized I was in the throes of an existential crisis. One that not even the sight of this season's Dolce & Gabbana strappy sandals could lift me out of.

She's pisces, i think